Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Alarm Clocks - More Than Just A Wake-Up Call

!±8± Alarm Clocks - More Than Just A Wake-Up Call

If you're the type of person who's having problems getting up in the morning, what you need to have is an alarm clock. Your difficulties in waking up may very well be resolved. Don't think, though, that reminding you that it's time to go to work is the only thing an alarm clock is used for. Many styles have much more functions than in the past.

Nowadays, we can choose from different types of alarm clocks. There are now two types of alarm clocks - the analog alarm clock and the digital alarm clock. Analog clocks are those usually with clock hands and can accurately display the time on a dial. They have second hands, which can show exactly how much of a minute has passed. The analog is the most traditional alarm clock and it only has one type of alarm bell. To turn on the alarm function, you need to pull out the pin. To turn the alarm off, this pin should be depressed. Analogs are still very popular today but some people opt to use their digital counterpart. Many analog styles make very good travel alarm clocks. What digital alarm clocks have that analogs do not have is that the alarm can be easily set and it is easier to stop the alarm by pressing a button. You also have more choices when choosing the wake up sound.

The basic digital alarm clock with radio combination is the most popular type of alarm clock today. But variations with a unique projection features are now available. These projection alarm clocks have analog tuning capabilities for AM / FM radio listening plus projection of time on the ceiling. One of the best features it has is that you can have the option to be awakened by the radio station of your choice instead of the usual alarm sound that tends to be annoying most of the time. Majority of the people prefer to be awakened by music or news coming from their favorite radio stations.

Two other nice features of digital alarm clocks are the sleep function and the snooze feature. With the latter, the alarm will go off again in a set amount of time, usually five or ten minutes. The sleep feature, on the other hand, allows you to listen to music while you go to sleep without leaving the radio running all night. It will automatically turn off in the amount of time, which you specified. Indeed, music aficionados would love this kind of feature. Moreover, many digital alarm clocks now have features like world time, calendar and calculator.

There are so many alarm clocks to choose from. Shopping for the right alarm clock is often fun because you find that many have features you never thought possible. We love the projection style alarm clock around our house. My son loves to stare up at the ceiling and see the time displayed almost in a Star Wars fashion. Take a look at the store listed below to find endless variations of this time-honored necessity.

Alarm Clocks - More Than Just A Wake-Up Call

Fallkniven F1 Grand Sale

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Fact Guide for Water Fire Extinguishers

!±8± Fact Guide for Water Fire Extinguishers

Now when people think about fire extinguishers it is virtually always the water based models that come to mind. This is because it is such a good extinguishing agent and has been used to tackle fires for thousands of years. In fact since mankind first discovered fire it has been water that is the primary fire fighting medium. I bet when that first human discovered how to start a fire he or she quickly worked out how to put it out fast. I can just picture them in a cave thinking oops, this fire thingy is a bit out of control and finding the nearest hollowed out piece of wood with water in to pour over it.

The drawback of a water extinguisher these days is the fact they can only be used on a Class A fire involving materials such as paper, fabric or wood. In today's modern world with electrical equipment, flammable liquids, oils and a full host of other combustible materials it makes their usage quite limited. Saying this though, they are still one of the most commonly seen and sold models on the market worldwide.

Water extinguishers are a solid red colour so easily identifiable when it comes to recognising one in an emergency. Other types such as CO2 or powder have coloured panels to clearly mark what type they are.

One reason water is still so commonly used in offices and homes is the fact that they are simple to operate and completely harmless to the environment. So a good option is going green is a concern for you. If you accidently set off a powder or foam model you know you will be in for a complete mess, but with water all you get is your own mini pond on the floor. A quick mop-up and its all cleaned up. This is probably why they are so commonly seen in schools and colleges where the odd naughty student may set one off for a laugh.

As we stated earlier, you can only use water on Class A fires. This is because they can be dangerous to use on other types of fire. Water is conductive so spray it on an electrical fire and it may not be the fire that actually kills you. Also, just imagine what would happen if you sprayed one on a cooking fat fire such as in a deep fat fryer. The fire would explode and that's not a good thing. On other classes such as Class B or D the water would spread the burning materials around and thus cause the fire to spread quickly and become a serious hazard to property and life. This is why they are often paired with CO2 or other models so as to provide effective coverage in any situation.

Now how exactly does a water extinguisher work? Well it's simple really. There are two basic elements to its operation as a fire fighting medium. The water helps to cool the fire as it evaporates on contact and also soaks the materials preventing them from burning. As is well known, water is not exactly the type of material to burn. They normally come in 9 litre variants and as such are quite heavy in comparison to say a 6 litre foam model. The standard fire rating on a water extinguisher is 13A with some coming in at 21A.

You can also get them in what's called water additive models but we will explain those in another fact guide.

Fact Guide for Water Fire Extinguishers

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